§ 18.06. Redistricting of councilmanic districts.  

Latest version.
  • Redistricting of the councilmanic districts set forth in Appendix Two of this Charter may be accomplished in the following manner:

    Within six (6) months after the decennial census of 1970 and each one thereafter is published by the United States Census Bureau showing the population in the area of the metropolitan government, it shall be the duty of the planning commission to recommend to the council whether redistricting of the councilmanic districts is necessary to prevent substantial underrepresentation of particular areas as the result of population changes. If the planning commission shall recommend that redistricting is necessary, it shall also submit a proposed ordinance designed to accomplish its recommendation. Such ordinance shall also revise the school districts to the extent, if any, that may be deemed necessary. The council shall not amend, but may adopt without change such proposed ordinance. Upon approval thereof by the mayor, or passage over his or her veto, redistricting shall be accomplished and district councilmembers shall be elected accordingly at the next general metropolitan election.

    The council may reject the proposed ordinance for redistricting, in which event, by resolution under article 19 of this Charter, it shall submit to the people for approval at a special referendum election to be held within ninety (90) days an amendment to this Charter making effective the redistricting as recommended by the planning commission. At such referendum election the council may submit to the people its own plan for redistricting as an alternative to the proposal of the planning commission also submitted.

    At the expiration of ninety (90) days subsequent to the receipt by the council of an ordinance of redistricting, as hereinabove provided, if such ordinance shall not have become effective and if the council shall have failed to submit the same to a special referendum election, then the members of the council shall not receive any further salaries until they take one action or the other.

(Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)