§ 20.17. Transitional provisions as to employee benefits.  

Latest version.
  • The person holding the position of director of personnel by appointment of the civil service commission of the former County of Davidson on the effective date of this Charter is hereby appointed and designated as the first secretary of the metropolitan employee benefit board.

    Within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Charter, the director of personnel, with the approval of either the former civil service commissions of the City of Nashville and the County of Davidson or the metropolitan civil service commission, shall announce a plan for the conduct of an election as provided in section 13.03 to select the employee members of the employee benefit board. Said election shall be held within thirty (30) days from such announcement.

    Until the employee benefit board is organized by the election of a chairman, the civil service commission of the former City of Nashville shall continue to administer the police officer's and firemen's pension fund and the civil service employees' pension fund; and the pension commission of the former County of Davidson shall continue to administer the employees' pension and insurance fund, for which purposes both commissions shall continue to function under their respective rules and regulations and exercise all powers formerly vested in them.

    The metropolitan government shall have no obligation (except as created by ordinance or resolution of the metropolitan council) for pension or retirement benefits of a person not under civil service in the county or city government on March 31, 1962, (except library employees) and brought under civil service by resolution or ordinance of the county or city governing body subsequent to said date. This provision shall not impair the pension and retirement benefits of any person employed by the county or city on said date and then under civil service or of any person who was in process of coming under civil service on said date by then serving a probationary period.

    Where compensation for a metropolitan office is fixed by this Charter, a person holding specified office in the city or county government is appointed thereto by this Charter, and the compensation herein fixed is an increase over the compensation which such county or city officer was entitled to receive as of March 31, 1962, then the obligation of the metropolitan government for retirement benefits to such person shall be based upon the compensation paid him or her by the county or city as of March 31, 1962, until such person shall have served as a metropolitan officer for five (5) years or more. After said five (5) years, such benefits shall be based upon compensation paid by the metropolitan government.

    (Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)

    6. April 1, 1963.