§ 5.03. Power and authority of mayor.  

Latest version.
  • The mayor is authorized to administer, supervise and control all departments created by this Charter, except as otherwise specifically provided, and also all departments created by ordinance pursuant hereto. Such administration shall be by and through departmental directors under the supervision and control of the mayor.

    Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the mayor shall appoint all directors of departments, subject to limitations of civil service provided by this Charter, if any. All departmental directors not under civil service limitations appointed by the mayor shall be confirmed by the council and may be removed by the mayor as provided herein or in the creating ordinance.

    The mayor shall appoint all members of boards and commissions created by this Charter or by ordinance enacted pursuant hereto, except as otherwise specifically provided, and he or she shall fill vacancies on said boards and commissions. Appointments to membership on boards and commissions shall not require confirmation by the council except as the same may be specifically required by this Charter or by ordinance creating such board or commission.

    The mayor shall have and may exercise, in person or through agent, all the powers of a fiscal agent and financial officer heretofore possessed by the county judge of Davidson County, acting either under general law or private act. The mayor shall also be vested with and possess all executive powers and functions, exclusive of judicial functions, heretofore performed by the county judge under general law or private act except to the extent that such powers and functions may be vested in other officers or agencies by the provisions of this Charter; and also shall be vested with and possess all executive powers and functions hereafter vested by general law in the office of the county judge.

    The mayor shall be authorized at any reasonable time to examine and inspect the books, records, and official papers of any department, board, commission, officer or agency of the metropolitan government; and to attend the meeting of any board or commission and make suggestions thereto.

    The mayor is authorized to require any department, board, commission, officer or agency to submit to him or her written reports and information in connection with the business and affairs of the metropolitan government which the same handles or administers; and he or she shall, from time to time, submit reports and recommendations to the council with respect to the financial condition, other business and general welfare of the metropolitan government.

    The mayor shall submit an annual budget as provided for in article 6 of this Charter.

    The mayor is authorized to call special meetings of the council as provided for in section 3.04 of this Charter.

(Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)