§ 6.06. Action by council on operating budget.  

Latest version.
  • After the conclusion of the public hearings, the council may amend the operating budget proposed by the mayor; except, that the budget as finally amended and adopted must provide for all expenditures required by law or by other provisions of this Charter and for all debt service requirements for the ensuing fiscal year as certified by the director of finance. Neither shall the council alter the estimates of receipts or other fund availability included in the budget document except to correct errors and omissions, in which event a full explanation shall be spread on the minutes of the council. In no event shall the total appropriations from any fund exceed the estimated fund balance, reserves and revenues, constituting the fund availability of such fund.

    The council shall finally adopt an operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year not later than the thirtieth day of June, and it shall be effective for the fiscal year beginning on the following July 1st. Such adoption shall take the form of an ordinance setting out the estimated revenues in detail by source and making appropriations according to fund and by organizational unit, purpose or activity as set out in the budget document. If the council shall fail to adopt a budget prior to the beginning of any fiscal year, it shall be conclusively presumed to have adopted the budget as submitted by the mayor.

    A copy of the adopted budget, certified by the metropolitan clerk, shall be filed in the office of the director of finance.

    The amount set out in the adopted operating budget for each organizational unit, purpose or activity shall constitute the annual appropriation for such item, and no expenditure shall be made or encumbrance created in excess of the otherwise unencumbered balance of the appropriation, or allotment thereof, to which it is chargeable. This shall not preclude the impoundment of funds or additional appropriations as provided herein.