§ 6.11. Transfer of appropriations.  

Latest version.
  • On request of any department head, and with his or her consent, the mayor may transfer the unencumbered balance of any appropriation, or any portion thereof, for any purpose or activity to the appropriation for any other purpose or activity within the same department, but the same shall not be available for encumbrance or expenditure until it shall have been allotted by the director of finance.

    At the request of the mayor, but only at the end of any quarter of the fiscal year, the council may by resolution approved by a majority of the membership of the council transfer the unencumbered balance of any appropriation, or any portion thereof, to another appropriation within the same section of the budget and within the same fund. However, the council shall not make transfers of appropriations at any time between the general services district and the urban services district, or transfer moneys from any operating fund to another fund. Provided, however, that this stipulation shall not apply to the discharge of obligations existing between governmental agencies financed from one fund and those financed through another fund, nor to the transfer of moneys from operating funds to agency or trust funds, covering collections to be expended through such agency or trust funds, nor to the transfer of the unappropriated surplus in bond funds to the debt service funds set up to retire such bond, nor to such other transfers between funds as may be authorized by law.

(Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)