§ 6.14. General fund reserve.  

Latest version.
  • From all original moneys collected during any year, before making a budget ordinance, there shall be deducted four (4%) percent of the gross amount of the general fund revenue of the general services district, which sum shall be placed in an account to be known as the general fund reserve and shall be kept separate and apart from other funds of the metropolitan government.

    The mayor and council may by resolution make appropriations from said funds for the purchase of equipment for any department of the metropolitan government or for repairs to any building owned by any department of the metropolitan government; provided, however, that no appropriations shall be made from this fund to any department not deriving its operating funds from the general fund budget.

    From all moneys collected during any year, and after making provisions for the four (4%) percent of the gross amount of the general fund revenue that shall establish the general fund reserve of the metropolitan government, there shall be next provided a sufficient amount, not to be less than fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars, to be placed in and constituted the metropolitan government advance planning and research fund for the use of the metropolitan planning commission of the metropolitan government in the preparation, in advance, of plans for capital projects, and for the making of such studies and the doing of such research as is by the metropolitan planning commission deemed necessary in the performance of the duties and responsibilities given it by the Metropolitan Charter and general law. No expenditures shall be made from said fund except by resolution of the metropolitan planning commission, and in no case shall expenditures be made therefrom for the payment of budgetary items or matters not concerned with research and advance planning. The resolution of the metropolitan planning commission as to capital projects shall precisely define the projects concerned and amounts expended in the planning of such projects shall be provided for in the financing of construction of same and, upon the commencement of construction, the metropolitan government advance planning and research fund shall be repaid those sums and moneys expended from it in the advanced planning of such project. From all moneys collected during any year, and after the making of provision for the four (4%) percent of the gross amount of the metropolitan government's general fund revenue flowing into the general fund reserve of the metropolitan government, there shall next be provided a sufficient amount, as of the first day of each fiscal year, to bring the unencumbered balance on hand in the metropolitan government advance planning and research fund created herein to the minimum sum of fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars.

    By ordinance, the council may create a contingent reserve fund not to exceed four (4%) percent of the general fund revenue of the urban services district. The mayor and council may by resolution make appropriations from said fund for the purchase of equipment for any department of the metropolitan government or for repairs to any building owned by any department of the metropolitan government which equipment or buildings are used primarily for the furnishing of services herein defined as urban services; provided, however, that no appropriations shall be made from this fund to any department not deriving its operating funds from the general fund of the urban services district current operating budget.

    Editor's note— Section 6.14 was amended at an election held Aug. 4, 1983.