§ 10.107. Personnel rules and regulations of the board of health.  

Latest version.
  • The metropolitan board of health, consistent with the standards of the merit system of the United States Public Health service, shall establish, adopt and make available for distribution, its rules, regulations and policy statement concerning its personnel policy, the manner and method of employing personnel, the requirements with reference to the qualifications of both professional and nonprofessional personnel, salaries, vacations, sick leave, job security, retirement policy, and other related terms and conditions of employment by the board.

    The board shall constitute a civil service board with respect to employees of the board of health for the purpose of section 12.09 of this Charter and for the purpose of investigating and hearing charges against any professional or nonprofessional employee, and for the purpose of dismissing, suspending or otherwise disciplining any such employee, or reviewing any decision of the chief medical director affecting the employment status of such employee. In the discharge of its duties as a civil service board, the board shall act pursuant to its rules and regulations governing personnel policies promulgated as hereinabove stated, and shall have the same investigative powers as vested by this Charter in other agencies of the metropolitan government in which investigative power is vested. Any employee of the board dismissed or discharged pursuant to the action of the Board after hearing, may have such discharge or dismissal reviewed in the same manner as is provided in this Charter for the review of actions of the civil service commission under certain conditions.