§ 8.103. Same—Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • The director of finance shall be responsible to the mayor for the administration of the financial affairs of the metropolitan government, and to that end shall supervise the division of budgets, the division of accounts, the division of collections, the division of treasury, the division of purchases, and such other units as may be established by ordinance.

    The director of finance or his or her designated divisional director shall:


    Compile for the mayor the current budget of estimated revenues and proposed expenditures for each of the operating funds of the metropolitan government; and assist in the preparation of the capital improvements budget, as provided by section 6.13 of this Charter.


    Maintain accounting systems for the general services district and the urban services district of the metropolitan government, and for each department, office and agency thereof, in accordance with generally recognized governmental accounting principles and procedures, keeping accounting records for and exercising financial and budgeting control over such department, office or agency.


    Prescribe the accounts to be kept by all departments, offices and agencies of the metropolitan government, the form of receipts, vouchers, bills or claims, warrants, requisitions, purchase orders or any financial stationery to be used, and provide suitable instructions for the use thereof, and to review and approve the forms and procedures of the trustee and the tax assessor.


    Prescribe the times and the manner in which moneys received by any department, office or agency shall either be paid to the metropolitan treasurer or deposited in a bank account to the credit of the metropolitan government.


    Examine all contracts, purchase orders and other documents which would result in or involve financial obligations against the metropolitan government, and approve the same only upon ascertaining that there is an unexpended, unencumbered and unimpounded balance in each such appropriation and allotment to which they are applicable, sufficient to cover such potential obligation.


    Audit before payment all bills, invoices, payrolls and other claims, demands or charges against the metropolitan government and approve the same only if proper, legal and correct, and duly authorized by appropriations or allotments of appropriations.


    Periodically inspect and audit the accounts and records of financial transactions maintained in each department, office and agency of the metropolitan government.


    Submit a monthly financial report to the mayor, for presentation to the council, showing the financial condition of the various funds of the metropolitan government, as well as the condition of all items included in the adopted annual operating budget, including estimated revenues, revenues received, appropriations and allotments for such appropriations.


    Prepare a complete annual report of the financial activities of all funds and all departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the metropolitan government.


    Subject to the approval of the mayor, instruct the treasurer to invest the moneys of any fund in securities of the metropolitan, state or federal government and/or place them on interest bearing deposit in a bank or banks where it is anticipated that the funds will not be needed for a period of ninety days or more.


    With the assistance of the department of law and the metropolitan planning commission, establish standard procedures for acquiring and disposing of land for metropolitan departments, boards and commissions, exclusive of land acquisition for the Nashville Electric Service and the Nashville Housing Authority.


    Maintain an inventory of public property and equipment.


    Provide for a central records retention program.


    Perform such other duties as may be assigned by this Charter or by ordinance.


    Provide the vice mayor, with the approval of a majority of the whole membership of the council, with access to any financial information in the possession of the department of finance.

    (Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)

    Editor's note— The addition of subsection (o) to this section was approved at an election held Aug. 4, 1983.