§ 8.109. Function of division of purchases.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in this section, the division of purchases shall purchase, or obtain by lease or rental, for the use of the metropolitan government and its departments, boards, commissions, officers and agencies all necessary and appropriate supplies, materials, equipment, other personal property, contractual services, insurance and surety bonds. The council may establish by ordinance rules and regulations, defining emergencies, under which designated items, including perishables, may be purchased or obtained without compliance with purchasing procedures established in this chapter. The electric power board, the Nashville Housing authority, the board of education and such other agencies as may be specified by ordinance shall be excluded from the purchasing procedures established in this chapter, except to the extent otherwise herein specifically provided.

    In order that local taxpayers are protected and local Davidson County residents have opportunity to work on taxpayer-funded projects, the division of purchases, when expending funds or other resources of the metropolitan government in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or more on a project for the building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any public structure or building or other public improvements of any kind to any public real property, but excluding professional services, shall require that one (1) or more residents of Davidson County perform forty percent (40%) of the Total Construction Work Hours worked by construction craft workers on each project whether workers are employed by a contractor or any subcontractor, and shall require that a significant effort be made to ensure that no less than ten percent (10%) of the Total Construction Worker Hours are performed by low income residents of Davidson County. In determining the Total Construction Worker Hours for each project, there shall be included the number of hours worked on all customary construction activities, but shall exclude the number of hours of work on the project performed by workers who are not residents of Tennessee. A procedure for reporting Total Construction Worker Hours and a penalty for failure to comply with this requirement may be provided by ordinance or by the division of purchases consistent with ordinances, and all reports will be made available to the public.

    (Referendum election of August 6, 2015, Amdt. 3)

    7. Sheriff, as an officer of the metropolitan government, is subject to and bound by the purchasing provisions of the Metropolitan Charter. Metropolitan Government v. Poe, 215 Tenn. 53, 383 S.W. 2d 265 (1964).