§ 8.402. Functions.  

Latest version.
  • The department of public works shall be responsible for:


    The design, construction, maintenance, repair and cleaning of roads, highways, streets, alleys, other public places, bridges, viaducts, and other related structures.


    The collection and disposal of garbage and other refuse, and maintenance and operation of facilities for the disposal of same.


    Control of the servicing, maintenance and repair of automotive equipment, except as the same by ordinance may be assigned in whole or in part to another department or agency of the metropolitan government.


    Construction of capital improvement projects by its own employees, whenever so authorized or directed by ordinance or by the mayor.


    Making and preparing such plans, specifications, estimates, surveys, maps, designs, drawings and reports as may be requested from time to time by the council, by the mayor or by the head of any department or any board, commission or agency of the metropolitan government acting with the approval of the mayor, and supervision of the execution and performance of all contracts for capital improvement projects, the plans and specifications, for which were prepared by the department of public works.


    The administration and enforcement of all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to permits and licenses, including those relating to weights and measures, electrical installations, building and construction, plumbing, taxicabs, miscellaneous industrial and commercial uses, elevators, water, sewer and gas installations, public gatherings and tourist camps; provided, that all licenses and permits issued shall be approved or regulated by such other offices, agencies or boards of the metropolitan government as may be provided from time to time by ordinance; and provided further, that the council may by ordinance transfer and assign this function to a newly created department of licenses and permits.


    Such other powers and duties as are assigned to the department by this Charter or may be assigned thereto by ordinance or by action of the mayor.

(Res. No. RS2012-277, § 1(Amdt. 5), 9-18-2012, election of 11-6-2012)