§ 14.02. Jurisdiction and authority; justices of the peace divested of certain jurisdiction and authority.  

Latest version.
  • The metropolitan general sessions court of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, is hereby vested with all the jurisdiction and shall exercise all the authority conferred by law upon justices of the peace in civil and criminal cases, suits and actions; and the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace of Davidson County are hereby divested of all such jurisdiction and authority. The court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear, try and dispose of cases involving the breach of any and all ordinances, regulations, resolutions and private acts of the metropolitan government, and to impose fines for said breach of any and all ordinances, regulations, resolutions and private acts of the metropolitan government. It shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear, try and dispose of cases in which violations of traffic laws, ordinances regulations and resolutions of the metropolitan government are charged, or in which offenses are charged under state law regulating the operating, maintenance of motor vehicles and to impose fines for violation of such laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions and to suspend the driver's license of any person found guilty of such violation as the case may be. Said court shall have jurisdiction to bind over offenders to the grand jury where probable cause is found to exist in cases involving violation of the criminal laws of the state and, in lieu of bond, to commit to jail persons so charged. The court shall exercise all the jurisdiction and authority now and hereafter conferred by general act upon the court of general sessions.

    (Res. No. 71-1222, § 1, 8-5-71)

    Editor's note— In addition to the amendment adopted by Res. No. 1222, § 14.02 was also amended at election held Aug. 4, 1983.

    Editor's note— An Environmental Court was established by Tenn. Pub. Acts 1993, Chapter 212, and later amended by Tenn. Pub. Acts, Chapter 667, 2002.