§ 18.15. Status of smaller cities and voluntary surrender of their charters; creation of suburban utility districts.  

Latest version.
  • Any city in Davidson County not abolished by this Charter shall continue to exist and to function the same as prior to adoption of this Charter; except, that no such city shall extend its boundaries by annexation of any area of the metropolitan government. Any such smaller city may contract with the metropolitan government for the administration and handling of any of its governmental functions by the metropolitan government; and such smaller city may surrender its Municipal Charter at any time pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, section 7-1-106, with the approval of a majority of those voting in the smaller city at an election with respect to such matter. After surrender of Charter, the status of the smaller city in the metropolitan government shall be that prescribed in a resolution adopted by the council prior to such surrender, or otherwise the status shall be that of other areas outside the urban services district at the time of dissolution.

    It shall be the obligation of the metropolitan government to furnish smaller cities with governmental services so that such cities will be furnished with governmental services to no lesser extent than other areas outside the urban services district. In furnishing said services, the metropolitan government may take into consideration the governmental services available to the smaller city by the use of state aid and other distributable moneys not derived from local taxation by the smaller city; and in this respect the metropolitan government may contract with the smaller city as to the handling, use and expenditure of such moneys.

    After the adoption of this Charter by vote of the people, no city shall be created in the area of the metropolitan government, and there shall exist in such area as municipalities only the urban services district and smaller cities existing prior to the adoption of this Charter.

    Nothing in this Charter shall be deemed to prevent the creation of utility districts as provided for by Tennessee Code Annotated, section 7-82-101, et seq., with the county judge to perform the function ascribed to such officer by said statute.

(Res. No. 88-526, §§ 36, 37, 10-4-88)