§ 1.07. Term limits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person elected and qualified to the office of mayor, vice mayor, district councilmember, or councilmember-at-large shall be eligible for the succeeding term in the same office if such person has served more than one-half of a four (4) year term and a consecutive complete four (4) year term in that particular office. For purposes of this section, the offices of district councilmember and councilmember-at-large, as established pursuant to section 3.01 of this Charter, shall be considered separate elected offices.


    In January prior to each state legislative session until such a time that it can be certified that the legislative term limits described in this clause have been enacted, the clerk shall write all state legislators whose districts include any part of Davidson County stating that the people of Davidson County desire an opportunity to vote on legislative term limits. The people of Davidson County respectfully request that a proposed constitutional amendment limit each Representative to six (6) years (three (3) terms) in the Tennessee House of Representatives and eight (8) years (two (2) terms) in the Tennessee Senate. The people of Davidson County also instruct all state legislators representing any part of Davidson County to pass this proposed constitutional amendment and place it on the general election ballot.


    In January of each year until such a time that it can be certified that the term limits described in this clause have been enacted, the clerk shall write all U.S. Representatives whose districts include any part of Davidson County's limits and both federal Senators stating that the people of this municipality support term limits for the U.S. Congress. The people of Davidson County respectfully request that a proposed federal constitutional amendment limit each Representative to six (6) years (three (3) terms) in the United States House of Representatives and twelve (12) years (two (2) terms) in the United States Senate. The people of Davidson County also instruct their federal delegation to pass a constitutional amendment imposing these limits and submit it to the states for ratification.


    If any provision of this petition shall be held unconstitutional, invalid or inapplicable to any persons or circumstances, then it is intended and declared by the people of Davidson County that all other provisions of this petition and their application to all other persons and circumstances shall be severable and shall not be affected by such decision.

    (Amended by Res. No. RS2008-404, § 1(Amdt. 2), referendum election 11-4-08; amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)

    Editor's note— Section 1.07 was added by referendum election held November 8, 1994.