§ 20.15. Transition as to fiscal and related matters.  

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  • (a)

    Supplemental appropriations during fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. Supplemental appropriations made by the metropolitan council to any department, board, commission, office or agency of the metropolitan government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, shall be made within the budget structure of the former City of Nashville and former County of Davidson; provided, nothing in this section shall prevent the metropolitan government from borrowing money necessary to finance obligations of said government for said period which may be specifically created by this Charter.


    Budget and tax levy for fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. The budget and tax levy of the former City of Nashville shall serve s the budget and tax levy for the urban services district for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. The budget and tax levy of the former County of Davidson shall serve as the budget and tax levy for the general services district for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. Where functions have been transferred from the urban services district to the general services district, or vice versa, the funds appropriated for such purpose shall follow the function.


    Servicing bonded indebtedness during fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. Debt service with respect to bonds issued by the City of Nashville shall be paid from the sinking funds of said city during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963; and debt service with respect to bonds issued by the County of Davidson shall be paid from the sinking funds of said county during the same period, and after June 30, 1963, as set forth in article 7, section 7.20.


    Transitional provisions as to tax assessments and assessors. Effective September 1, 1962, the county tax assessor shall become the metropolitan tax assessor and shall assume the powers, authority and duties of such office as provided in this Charter.

    The assessments made by said assessor as of January 10, 1963, shall be and constitute the assessments on the basis of which taxes for said year shall be collected within both the urban services district and the general services district and to which taxes levied by the council for 1963 and thereafter shall apply. Said assessor is hereby designated and constituted the metropolitan tax assessor, and for this purpose the Charter shall take effect September 1, 1962.

    On or after September 1, 1962, or as soon thereafter as practicable, all personnel of the office of tax assessor of the former City of Nashville under civil service, except those positions excluded or omitted from civil service under provisions of this charter, shall be and become civil service employees in the office of the metropolitan tax assessor.


    Preparation of transitional forms and procedures. Following the election of the metropolitan government officials, the mayor elect shall request a meeting of the city finance director, the county director of budgets and accounts, and the executive director of the city and county planning commissions for the purpose of proceeding with the preparation of forms, materials and procedures necessary to the official establishment, fiscal functioning and administrative organization of the metropolitan government. The services, facilities and staff personnel of the city finance department, the city legal department, the county department of accounts and budgets, the county attorney's office, and the planning commission of the city and county shall be made available to assist in these preparations.


    First annual operating budget. In the preparation of the operating budget for the 1963-1964 fiscal year, the following timetable shall prevail:


    By April 15, 1963, the director of finance shall distribute the operating budget request forms for both section I and section II of the annual operating budget. Said forms to be returned on the date set by the director of finance.


    Not later than May 28, the mayor shall submit to the council the operating budget ordinances and tax levy ordinances following the form and content specified in section 6.03 as closely as possible within the time available for their preparation.


    Public hearings on both the capital improvements budget and program and the annual operating budget shall be held between June 7 and 15, 1963.


    Third reading and final action shall be taken on the capital improvements budget and the 1963-1964 annual operating budget not later than June 29, 1963.


    First capital improvements program. The City of Nashville and Davidson County Planning Commissions, following the November election of metropolitan government officials, shall proceed with gathering the data and information necessary for the preparation of the first capital improvements budget and program based on the allocation of functions between the general services district and the urban services district.

    The mayor shall submit the capital improvements budget to the council not later than May 25, 1963.