§ 6.02. Preparation of annual operating budget.  

Latest version.
  • The director of finance shall obtain from all officers, departments, boards, commissions and other agencies for which appropriations are made by the metropolitan government, or which collect revenues for such government, such information as shall be necessary for him or her to compile the annual operating budget; and it shall be the duty of all such officers, departments, boards, commissions and agencies to furnish the director such information as he or she may require at such time or times and in such form as the director may prescribe.

    Not later than March 1st prior to the end of each fiscal year, said director shall distribute to each of the agencies identified in the preceding paragraph all forms necessary for the preparation of the operating budget for the succeeding fiscal year. Such forms shall be returned to the director with the information desired not later than two months prior to the end of the current fiscal year. On the basis of the information so received and otherwise secured by him or her, said director shall prepare and transmit to the mayor a proposed operating budget for the next fiscal year of the kind and scope set forth in section 6.03 hereof. In preparing the proposed budget, the director may revise, as he or she may deem necessary, the estimates or requests made by the various officers, departments, boards, commissions and agencies, but any such agency shall be entitled to a hearing before the director with reference to any contemplated changes in its budget requests or estimates.

(Amended by Amdt. 5 to referendum petition approved November 7, 2006; Res. No. RS2008-404, § 1(Amdt. 1), referendum election 11-4-08; amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)