§ 6.04. Review and revision of operating budget by mayor; submission to council; budget as public record; distribution of copies.  

Latest version.
  • The mayor shall review the operating budget submitted to him or her by the director of finance, and may make any revisions in such budget as he or she may deem necessary or desirable, before it is submitted to the council for consideration.

    Not later than May 1st, the mayor shall submit to the metropolitan council the operating budget as approved by him or her in the form and with the contents specified in section 6.03 hereof, together with a message explaining such budget, describing its important features, and outlining the proposed financial policies of the metropolitan government for the ensuing fiscal year and setting forth the reasons for any significant changes in policy or budgetary allocations. The mayor shall promptly cause copies of the budget and the budget message to be prepared for distribution to interested persons, and a summary of the budget shall be published in each of the daily newspapers in the area of the metropolitan government. The operating budget, as well as the capital improvements budget hereinafter provided for, the budget message, and all supporting schedules shall be public records in the office of the metropolitan clerk and shall be open to public inspection.

(Amended by Amdt. 5 to referendum petition approved November 7, 2006; Res. No. RS2008-404, § 1(Amdt. 1), referendum election 11-4-08; amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)