§ 6.13. Capital improvements budget.  

Latest version.
  • The director of finance shall obtain annually from all officers, departments, boards and commissions and other agencies requesting funds from the metropolitan government for capital improvements, such information as the planning commission shall require to enable it to prepare the capital improvements budget. This data shall be delivered to the planning commission not later than four months prior to the end of the fiscal year. The capital improvements budget shall include a program of proposed capital expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year and the next five fiscal years thereafter, accompanied by the report and recommendations of the metropolitan planning commission with respect to the program. Section I of the capital improvements budget shall present proposed general services district projects. Section II shall present proposed urban services district projects. The mayor shall submit the capital improvements budget to the council not later than May 15th and shall recommend those projects to be undertaken during the ensuing fiscal year and the method of financing them, noting the impact on the debt structure of the metropolitan government and shall include in the appropriate current operating budget any projects to be financed from current revenues for the ensuing fiscal year.

    The council shall have power to accept, with or without amendment, or reject, the proposed program and proposed means of financing. The council shall not authorize an expenditure for the construction of any building, structure, work or improvement, unless the appropriation for such project is included in its capital improvements budget, except to meet a public emergency threatening the lives, health or property of the inhabitants, when passed by two-thirds vote of the membership of the council. The capital improvements budget must be acted upon finally by the council not later than the fifteenth day of June following its submission.

    The mayor may submit amendments to the capital improvements budget at any time during the year, accompanied by the recommendation thereon of the planning commission, which amendments shall become effective when adopted by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the council.