§ 7.14. Bonds issued by resolution of council; notice of right to contest.  

Latest version.
  • All bonds issued under this article shall be authorized by resolution or resolutions adopted by a majority vote of all the members of the council, at any properly convened regular, adjourned or special meeting, which may be the same meeting at which they are introduced. No publication of any resolution, proceeding or notice shall be necessary, except as specifically required by this article.

    The council in the resolution authorizing any bonds may provide that after the adoption of such resolution there shall be published in a newspaper published and having general circulation in the area of the metropolitan government, a notice in substantially the following form:


    On . . . . . . . ., 19. . ., the Metropolitan Council of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of $. . . . . . . bonds for the purpose of. . . . . . . . . . . ., a copy of which said resolution is on file in the office of the Metropolitan Clerk and open to inspection by any voter or citizen residing in the area of the Metropolitan Government.

    For a period of twenty (20) days following the date of the first publication of this notice, any taxpayer or other interested person may file an appropriate suit or proceeding questioning the validity of the bonds proposed to be issued or the legality of the proceedings had in the authorization of such bonds. After the expiration of said twenty days, no one shall have any cause or right of action to contest in any court the legality of said bonds or proceedings or the power and obligation of the Metropolitan Government to pay said bonds from the taxes or other revenues provided in such proceedings or bonds.

    Metropolitan Clerk

    In the case of tax bonds, however, such notice shall not be published until after the expiration of the period for the filing of a petition for a referendum, or, if such petition shall be filed, then not until after the approval of such bonds at such referendum.

    If, pursuant to direction of the council, such notice is published, no one shall have any cause or right of action after the expiration of said twenty-day period, to contest the legality, formality or regularity of such bonds or proceedings in any court for any cause whatsoever, and the authority to issue such bonds, the legality thereof and the legality of the taxes or other revenues pledged to pay the same, shall be conclusively presumed, and no court shall have any jurisdiction or authority to inquire into such matters.