Article 9. PUBLIC SCHOOLS*  

§ 9.01. Public school system established.
§ 9.02. Board of education—Term and selection of members.
§ 9.03. Same—Powers.
§ 9.04. Same—Duties; referendum as to school budget.
§ 9.05. Same—Employment of director of schools.
§ 9.06. Pension rights of educational employees of county and city protected.
§ 9.06.1. Benefit increase plan.
§ 9.07. Pension and retirement plan for metropolitan teachers; voluntary transfer thereunder of city and county teachers.
§ 9.08. Tenure rights of county and city teachers protected.
§ 9.09. Disabilities of board members and council members to make adverse contracts or own school warrants.
§ 9.10. Civil service as to teachers and other educational employees.
§ 9.11. No diversion of funds.
§ 9.12. Transfer of school funds within school budget.
§ 9.13. Transfers to school fund from general funds; borrowing money.
§ 9.14. Acquisition and sale of property.

*Editor's note— A referendum petition approved by the voters at an election held Nov. 4, 1980, substituted the term "metropolitan board of public education" for the terms "metropolitan county board of education" and "metropolitan board of education" wherever they appear in art. IX, §§ 9.01, 9.03—9.14. The petition also amended § 9.02 in its entirety.