§ 10.104. Same—Duties.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the duties otherwise imposed by this Charter or by general law, it shall be the duty of the board of health to:


    Determine and establish the policies to be followed in the exercise of its functions.


    Establish within the department of health such divisions, branches, or subdivisions, and plan of organization as may be consistent with efficient administration, which organizational plan shall be submitted by the board to the council for approval by ordinance, and which organizational plan may be amended from time to time in like manner.


    After public hearing adopt reasonable rules and regulations or amend rules and regulations previously adopted as necessary for the protection of the health of the people, which rules and regulations, among other things, shall set standards and procedures and requirements of conduct not less than as set out in regulations of the commissioner of public health of Tennessee. No such rule or regulation shall be contrary to any metropolitan ordinance.


    Hear and act upon complaints of persons affected by decisions of the chief medical director and to amend or set aside such decisions as are contrary to policies or regulations of the board.


    Cause to be submitted, with the aid of the department of law, for submission to the council for its consideration, a comprehensive Health Code which shall embrace all matters with relation to public health to which the powers and duties of the board extend, and which shall have as its purpose the preservation and promotion of the health of the people of the metropolitan government.


    Submit to the mayor, within six months after the beginning of each new term of office, a report upon the activities of the metropolitan board of health and a comprehensive program of public health and indigent medical care.


    Conduct inquiries, make investigations and hold hearings for the purpose of investigating nuisances, preventing the creation of nuisances, taking other preventative steps to protect the health of the community and for other purposes herein set forth in connection with the powers, duties and authorities of the board. In conducting any such inquiry and mailing of any such investigation the board shall have and may exercise the same investigative powers as are vested by this Charter in other metropolitan agencies which are given investigative powers.


    Contract with other governmental agencies, or with public or private institutions, subject to confirmation by the council by resolution for such services as will further the program and policies of the board.


    Cause to be prepared by the chief medical director, subject to review and revision by the board, the proposed annual budget for the metropolitan board of health.


    Cooperate with agencies of the United States and of the State of Tennessee in all matters of public health and sanitation and accept, receive and provide for the use of federal and state grants in aid, state aid and matching funds.


    Cooperate with privately endowed or operated institutions, funds or foundations in all matters of public health and sanitation and receive and accept and provide for the use of grants from any such institutions, funds or foundations.


    Exercise such other authority and perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance consistent with the general law and the provisions of this Charter.