§ 10.202. Same—Qualifications, term and selection of members.  

Latest version.
  • The board shall be composed of seven (7) members. Three (3) members shall be doctors of medicine certified for practice as such by the state board of medical examiners and licensed by the state licensing board for the healing arts, and each of whom shall have had not less than five (5) years' experience in the active practice of his or her profession. One of said doctors of medicine shall also have had special training, practice and experience in the field of psychiatric medicine. One member shall be a registered nurse. The three remaining members of the board shall be chosen without reference to occupation or profession. Members of the board shall serve without compensation.

    The members of the board shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by a majority of the whole membership of the council. They shall serve terms of five years each, provided that of the first seven members, two shall serve for five years, one for four years, two for three years, one for two years and one for one year. Any vacancy other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term.

(Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)