§ 8.609. Amending Charter references to state statutes.

Latest version.
  • Upon the renumbering of any sections of the Tennessee Code Annotated to which this Charter makes reference, said references in the Charter shall be renumbered to properly identify the renumbered sections of the Tennessee Code Annotated after compliance with the following procedure. The metropolitan attorney, after review and approval by the Charter revision commission, shall submit the proposed changes to the metropolitan council for approval by resolution. Upon approval by the metropolitan council, a certified copy of the approving resolution shall be delivered to the secretary of state and to the metropolitan clerk who shall attach the same to the copy of the Charter in his or her custody.

    (Amended by referendum election of November 6, 2018, Amdt. 6)

    Editor's note— The addition of § 8.609 was approved at an election held Aug. 4, 1983.