§ 11.907. Management and control of parking meters, garages and other traffic facilities.  

Latest version.
  • The commission shall have power to control and manage parking facilities in any metropolitan street or road, including the installation of parking meters or other necessary equipment in connection therewith. The commission shall prescribe and may revise a schedule of service charges in connection with the use of parking meters, a copy of which schedule shall be kept on file and subject to public inspection at the office of the commission and at the office of the metropolitan clerk.

    The commission shall also have control and management of any public parking garage or other traffic facilities, and with the acquisition, construction and establishment of the same. The commission may enter into lease agreements with private operators to operate the parking facilities owned by the metropolitan government. The commission is authorized to collect rents, fees or other charges for such parking garage and other traffic facilities as it may operate and manage.

    All moneys collected by the commission from parking meters, or any other service charges, shall be remitted by it to the metropolitan treasurer, who shall keep such moneys in a separate account earmarked for traffic and parking improvements.