§ 3.02. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • When used in this Article 3 and in Article 1, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated unless otherwise defined or required by the context:


    Prior service shall mean all service, whether continuous or not, prior to the effective date; provided, however, that prior service shall include all years and completed calendar months prior to the effective date during which an employee was a member of the Davidson County Teachers' Retirement Plan. Prior service shall include any service in the Armed Forces of the United States during World War II, provided the employee was employed by the employer immediately prior to entering such service.


    Current service shall mean all continuous, uninterrupted service after the effective date and prior to the date as of which current service is being determined. Current service shall not be deemed to be interrupted, but shall not include extended sick leave or leave of absence granted by the appointing officer of the employee and approved by the pension commission, or any service, voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces of the United States, provided the employee is entitled to re-employment under the provisions of the Universal Military Training and Service Act and amendments thereto, or any law applicable to such re-employment, and provided further that the Employee shall apply for re-employment with the employer within the time specified by law and in the manner and under the conditions prescribed by law.


    Credited service shall mean the sum of prior service, if any, and current service. Credited service shall be expressed in years and a decimal fraction of a year based on completed calendar months.


    Credited earnings shall mean the highest earnings in any full calendar year of credited service in which the employee contributed to this fund or the Davidson County Employees' Pension and Insurance Fund, as it existed prior to the effective date of this Act.


    Dependent child shall mean a child of a member or retired member of Division B who is a natural born or adopted child and who has not reached his sixteenth birthday, including a natural born child of a member or retired member of Division B who is born within ten (10) months after the date of death of the member or retired member of Division B.


    Dependent mother shall mean the natural mother or the stepmother of a member or retired member of Division B who received more than one-half (½) of her support from the member or retired member of Division B for the full calendar year next preceding the date of death of the member or retired member of Division B; provided, however, that if such woman remarries after the date of death of the member of Division B, she shall cease, for purposes of Article 3, to be the dependent mother of a deceased member or retired member of Division B.


    Widow shall mean the woman to whom a deceased retired member was married on his date of retirement and for five (5) full years prior to his date of retirement, or the woman to whom a deceased member of Division B was married on his date of death and for five (5) full years prior to his date of death; provided, however, that if such woman remarries, she shall cease, for the purposes of this Article 3, to be the widow of a deceased member or retired member of Division B.


    Survivor shall mean the widow, or the dependent child, or the dependent mother of a deceased member or retired member of Division B who is eligible to receive any benefits payable upon the death of the member or retired member of Division B as provided in this Article 3.


    Normal retirement date shall mean the first day of the month next following the sixtieth birthday of a member of Division B and the completion of twenty-four (24) years of credited service, or the completion of thirty (30) years of credited service by a member of Division B, whichever is the earlier date.