§ 10.20.050. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Manufacturing firms holding permits issued by the State of Tennessee to dispose of or utilize their own wastes on plant property on April 27, 1981, shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter.


    Nothing in this chapter shall prevent any person who generates or produces solid waste upon property owned, leased or rented by such person from separating or causing to be separated recyclable materials there from while the solid waste is on such property and either to maintain title to such recyclable materials for his/her own use or dispose of such recyclable materials by sale or gift so long as such separation and disposition neither creates a public nuisance nor is otherwise injurious to the public health, welfare or safety.


    Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a person from purchasing or receiving by gift recyclable materials for processing or other use separated and disposed of in strict accordance with subsection B of this section.


    Solid waste containing recyclable materials may be transported to private intermediate disposal points, as that term is defined by the director, for removal of recyclable materials if facility capacity at the intermediate disposal point is one hundred tons per month or greater, and if the intermediate disposal point is located within the jurisdictional boundary of the metropolitan government.


    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit any person to transport or convey any solid waste generated within the jurisdictional boundary of the metropolitan government to any disposal point other than points identified on a written register maintained by the director.


    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the removal of special wastes; hazardous wastes; white goods; bulky wastes; fanning wastes or pesticide wastes, as those terms are defined in Rule 1200-1-7-.01 of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, from the solid waste processed for removal of recyclable materials at an intermediate disposal point. Once so removed, the disposal of such wastes shall be the responsibility of the owner and operator of the intermediate disposal point.


    Exemptions from regulation under this chapter shall be automatically granted for persons collecting or processing five thousand pounds or less of recyclable materials in any calendar year, upon filing of an application for exemption with the director.


    For the purpose of documenting the metropolitan government's progress in solid waste management, including source reduction, recycling and composting, all owners or operators of solid waste disposal points, processors, haulers and collectors, including exempted persons, shall submit to the director a report of the quantities of solid waste, residue, or recyclable materials collected, transported, processed or disposed of, including the destination of recyclable materials. The frequency and detail of such reports shall be at the discretion of the director.

(Ord. BL2010-718 § 1, 2010)