§ 10.20.110. Container requirements, ownership and use; scavenging.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    At all times, it shall be the duty of the owner of every premises where garbage is created or accumulated to keep or cause to be kept a sufficient number of containers approved by the director for the deposit of Garbage generated on the premises. Lids or covers must be provided for all such containers and they shall be kept tightly closed at all times other than when garbage is being deposited therein or removed therefrom. Containers may be placed for collection along public alleys, streets and sidewalks only between the hours of 7:00 p.m. on the day prior to the scheduled collection day and 7:00 p.m. on the scheduled collection day. At all other times, containers must be stored at a location at the rear or side of the premises or at a location approved by the Director so as to not be on a public street.


    No person other than the owner, an authorized employee of the metropolitan government or one of its contractors, or a duly licensed collector or hauler shall interfere with a container used for the accumulation or handling of garbage or rubbish or remove any such container from the location where it shall have been placed by the owner, nor remove the contents from any such container. It is unlawful for any person to deposit or permit or suffer its agents, servants or employees to deposit household or commercial wastes in or about the antilitter cans or like receptacles provided by the metropolitan government in various public places in the community.


    Containers supplied by the metropolitan government for the storage and collection of garbage and rubbish shall remain the property of the metropolitan government. Containers supplied by the department must be used for all waste collection services provided by the department or its collection contractors. The owner of a premises furnished a container by the department shall keep the container at the premises and in good repair. In the event a container originally furnished by the department is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair, the owner shall replace, at his/her sole cost, such container with another compatible with the department's collection equipment and approved by the director. The department shall make replacement waste containers available for purchase at the department's cost. The director shall issue regulations to aid in the administration of this section.


    No person shall scavenge waste or recyclable materials from any container or facility within the limits of the metropolitan government.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2018-1406 § 1, 2019; Ord. BL2018-1406 § 1, 2019; Ord. BL2010-718 § 1, 2010)