§ 10.20.260. Public trash receptacles—Purpose—Specifications.

Latest version.
  • A.

    In order to promote the general health of the inhabitants and to aid and assist in cleaning and keeping clean the streets and sidewalks of the urban services district, the director is authorized to have placed, on the sidewalks of the urban services district, receptacles for garbage and rubbish, which receptacles shall be of a uniform design and approved by the director. The receptacles shall be so located on the sidewalks as not to interfere with their free use by pedestrians, at places to be designated by the director. No private person may place a receptacle for garbage and rubbish on a sidewalk in the urban service district for a similar purpose except as provided in this section.


    The metropolitan mayor is authorized to enter into a contract, under the most favorable terms to the metropolitan government which he/she can secure, for placing and maintaining on the streets the receptacles authorized in this section, and he/she is authorized to allow the painting on such receptacles of advertisements of any legitimate business under the laws of the United States and this state and ordinances of the metropolitan government. The contract shall contain a reservation that same may be canceled by action of the metropolitan council upon thirty days' written notice at any time after six months from the date of the contract, without further obligation or liability on the part of the metropolitan government.


    Any person entering into a contract with the metropolitan government for furnishing and maintaining the receptacles authorized in this section obtain a surety bond with a penal sum of not less than one hundred thousand dollars, naming the metropolitan government as obligee, issued by a regularly incorporated surety or indemnity company authorized to do business in the state, and conditioned that such person shall faithfully perform all the conditions and requirements of the contract and shall save the metropolitan government harmless from all liabilities arising out of or in any way connected with the existence of such receptacles upon the streets.

(Ord. BL2010-718 § 1, 2010)