§ 10.56.260. Process emissions.  

Latest version.
  • This section applies to any operation, process or activity except the burning of fuel for indirect heating in which the products of combustion do not come into direct contact with process materials and except the burning of refuse.


    No person shall cause, permit, suffer or allow the emission of gas containing sulfur oxides in excess of five hundred ppm (volume). All sampling of exhaust gases to determine compliance with this section shall be performed as provided in Section 10.56.300. For the purposes of this section, all sulfur present in gaseous compounds and containing oxygen shall be deemed to be present as sulfur dioxide. Regardless of the emission standard listed in this subsection, new sources shall utilize the best available control technology as determined by the director.


    Process weight per hour means the total weight of all materials introduced into any specific process that may cause any emission of particulate matter. Solid fuels charged are considered as part of the process weight, but liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not. For a cyclical or batch operation, the process weight per hour is derived by dividing the total process weight by the number of hours in one complete operation from the beginning of any given process to the completion thereof, excluding any time during which the equipment is idle. For a continuous operation, the process weight per hour is derived by dividing the process weight for a typical period of time.


    No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit the emission of particulate matter in any one hour from any existing process source in excess of the amount shown in Table III of this subsection for the process weight allocated to such source.

    Table III

    Process Weight
    Rate of Emission
    100 0.05 0.551
    200 0.10 0.877
    400 0.20 1.40
    600 0.30 1.83
    800 0.40 2.22
    1,000 0.50 2.58
    1,500 0.75 3.38
    2,000 1.00 4.10
    2,500 1.25 4.76
    3,000 1.50 5.38
    3,500 1.75 5.96
    4,000 2.00 6.52
    5,000 2.50 7.58
    6,000 3.00 8.56
    7,000 3.50 9.49
    8,000 4.00 10.4
    9,000 4.50 11.2
    10,000 5.00 12.0
    12,000 6.00 13.6
    16,000 8.00 16.5
    18,000 9.00 17.9
    20,000 10.00 19.2
    30,000 15.00 25.2
    40,000 20.00 30.5
    50,000 25.00 35.4
    60,000 30.00 40.0
    70,000 35.00 41.3
    80,000 40.00 42.5
    90,000 45.00 43.6
    100,000 50.00 44.6
    120,000 60.00 46.3
    140,000 70.00 47.8
    160,000 80.00 49.0
    200,000 100.00 51.2
    1,000,000 500.00 69.0
    2,000,000 1,000.00 77.6
    6,000,000 3,000.00 92.7


    Interpolation of the data in Table III for process weight rates up to sixty thousand pounds per hour shall be accomplished by use of the equation: E = 4.10 P 0.67 and interpolation and extrapolation of the data for process weight rates in excess of sixty thousand pounds per hour shall be accomplished by use of the equation: E = 55.0 P 0.11 —40, where E = rate of emission in pounds per hour and P = process weight rate in tons per hour.


    No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit the emission of particulate matter from any process source beginning operation on or after the effective date of this chapter in excess of the amount shown in Table IV of this subsection for the process weight allocated to such source.

    Table IV

    Process Weight Rate
    Emission Rate
    50 0.36
    100 0.55
    500 1.53
    1,000 2.34
    5,000 6.34
    10,000 9.73
    20,000 14.99
    60,000 29.60
    80,000 31.19
    120,000 33.28
    160,000 34.85
    200,000 36.11
    400,000 40.35
    1,000,000 46.72


    Interpolation of the data in Table IV for the process weight rates up to sixty thousand pounds per hour shall be accomplished by the use of the equation: E = 3.59 P 0.62 P ≤ 30 tons/hr, and interpretation and extrapolation of the data for process weight rates in excess of sixty thousand pounds per hour shall be accomplished by the use of the equation: E = 17.31 P 0.16 P > 30 tons/hr, where E = emissions in pounds per hour and P = process weight rate in tons per hour.


    Irrespective of the maximum allowable emission as determined by either the process weight tables of subsections C and D of this section, the maximum allowable concentration of particulate process emissions shall be 0.25 grams per dry cubic foot of exhaust gases corrected to standard conditions.


    Regardless of the specific emission standards contained in this section, the metropolitan board of health may, by regulation, specify separate emission standards for all new, modified or existing sources located within or impacting upon a nonattainment area.


    Subsections A through E shall not apply to any new or modified source, construction or modification which commenced after the date of publication in the Federal Register of Proposed Standards which will be applicable to such source.


    No person shall construct an air contaminant source which may emit gaseous air contaminants unless he shall install and utilize equipment and technology which is deemed reasonable by the director.

(Prior code § 4-1-9)