§ 10.56.300. Testing procedures.

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  • A.

    In order to establish a standard procedure for coal and fuel oil analysis, the following procedures or any subsequent amendment or modification thereof shall be used:


    The heat content of coal shall be determined according to ASTM method D-271-68 Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke or ASTM method D-2015-66 Gross Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter.


    a. The method of determining the ash and sulfur content in coal shall be that described in ASTM D-271-68 Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke or equivalent method approved by the board. All coal analyses and heat contents are to be made on a dry basis. Moisture content of coal is to be determined in all cases and results recorded to facilitate calculation of actual pollutants.


    The method of determining the sulfur content of fuel oil shall be that described in ASTM-D-129-54 Standard Method of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum Products and Lubricants by the Bomb Method. The method for determining the heat content of fuel oil shall be that described in ASTM-D-240-64 Standard Method of Test for Heat of Combustion of Liquids by the Parr Bomb Calorimeter or other method giving comparable results.


    The director is authorized to take any quantity of fuel which he deems necessary for the purpose of evaluation to determine compliance with this regulation. Where applicable, the following sampling methods will be used:


    For coal: ASTM-D-492-48 (1958) Sampling Coal Classified According to Ash Content, ASTM-D-2013-68 Preparing Coal Sample for Analysis and ASTM-D-2234-68 Mechanical Sampling of Coal.


    For oil: ASTM-D-270-65 Tentative Method of Sampling Petroleum Products.


    Source testing conducted for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with emission standards of this chapter shall be by the applicable methods as outlined in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix A, "Reference Methods," with the exception that for particulate matter, the analytical result shall include the particulate matter collected in the impinger train. For new stationary sources subject to the Federal New Source Performance Standards, the method for determining concentrations of particulate matter shall be in accordance with the method outlined in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix A.


    The procedure for sampling and analysis for ambient air concentrations shall be by the applicable method as outlined in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, "National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards," as the same title and part may be amended or recodified. Any other method that is approved by the director may be used in accordance with good professional practice. The procedure for sampling and analyzing atmospheric fluorides shall conform with the method adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) in 1958 and bearing ASTM designation D-1606-58T.


    When new analytical methods become available which are superior to the methods stipulated in this section, the board, upon the recommendation of the director, may approve the new methods as alternatives to those set forth in this section.

(Ord. 94-1161 § 9, 1994; prior code § 4-1-15)