§ 12.08.010. Compliance with Title 12 provisions.
§ 12.08.020. Applicability of provisions—To highways.
§ 12.08.030. Applicability of provisions—To other areas.
§ 12.08.040. Emergency and experimental regulations authorized when.
§ 12.08.050. Traffic direction and enforcement authority of police and fire department officials.
§ 12.08.060. Obedience to enforcement officers.
§ 12.08.070. Compliance by public employees required.
§ 12.08.080. State registration plates—Required—Mounting and maintenance.
§ 12.08.090. State registration plates—Unlawful use.
§ 12.08.100. Driver's or chauffeur's license—Required.
§ 12.08.110. Driver's or chauffeur's license—Unlawful uses designated.
§ 12.08.120. Defensive driving course required for persons operating certain government vehicles.
§ 12.08.130. Animal riding and persons propelling pushcarts.
§ 12.08.140. Authorized emergency vehicles.
§ 12.08.150. Impoundment of vehicles.
§ 12.08.160. State offenses declared municipal misdemeanors.
§ 12.08.170. Violation of regulations adopted by traffic and parking commission—Penalty.
§ 12.08.180. Citations for violations.
§ 12.08.190. Warrants for violations when person cited signs waiver of warrant on citation.
§ 12.08.200. Service of process for actions involving nonpayment of certain traffic tickets or citations.
§ 12.08.210. Abandoned vehicles.
§ 12.08.220. Appeals.
§ 12.08.230. Powers supplemental.