§ 12.16.180. School buses—Overtaking and passing restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The driver of a vehicle meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus stopped on the highway shall stop before reaching such school bus when there is in operation on said school bus the flashing red lights specified in Tennessee Statute Annotated and said driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion or he is signaled by the school bus driver to proceed or the flashing red lights are no longer actuated.


    Every school bus shall be equipped with red visual signals meeting the requirements of Tennessee Statute Annotated of subsection A of this section, which may be actuated by the driver of said school bus whenever but only whenever such vehicle is stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging school children. A school bus driver shall not actuate said special visual signals:


    In business districts and on urban arterial streets designated by the traffic and parking commission;


    At intersections or other places where traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals or police officers; or


    In designated school-bus loading areas where the bus is entirely off the roadway.


    Every school bus shall bear upon the front and rear thereof plainly visible signs containing the words "SCHOOL BUS" in letters not less than eight inches in height. When a school bus is being operated upon a highway for purposes other than the actual transportation of children either to or from school all markings thereon indicating "school bus" shall be covered or concealed.




    For any person or persons electing to plead guilty and pay a fine for the violation of this section or subsection prior to the court date, the fine for the conviction of a first violation of this section within a twelve-month period shall be fifty dollars, and the fine for the conviction of a second violation within twelve months shall be fifty dollars.


    The fine for a conviction of a third violation within twelve months shall be set by the court in accordance with Section 1.01.030. The court may use the aforementioned schedule as a guide in setting fines in accordance with Section 1.01.030 for any person or persons who appear in court to contest any violation of this section or subsection.

(Ord. 95-1329 § 2 (part), 1995; § 3 (part) of Amdt. 2 to Ord. 90-1255, 7/17/90; Ord. 90-1255 § 3 (part), 1990; prior code § 27-1-112)