§ 12.20.040. Speed limitations for certain vehicles and conditions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall drive any vehicle equipped with solid rubber tires at a speed greater than a maximum of ten miles per hour.


    The traffic and parking commission or public works department may conduct an investigation of any bridge or other elevated structure constituting a part of a highway, and if it shall thereupon find that such structure cannot with safety to itself withstand vehicles traveling at the speed otherwise permissible under this title, the commission shall determine and declare the maximum speed of vehicles which such structure can safely withstand, and shall cause or permit suitable signs stating such maximum speed to be erected and maintained before each end of such structure.


    Section 12.84.020 sets out the penalty for violation of subsection A of this section.

(§ 1 (part) of Amdt. 2 to Ord. 90-1255, 7/17/90; Ord. 90-1255 § 1 (4), 1990; prior code § 27-1-33)