§ 12.36.050. Special load limits—Pole trailers and structural materials.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Subject to the foregoing provisions of this chapter limiting the length of vehicles and loads, the load upon any vehicle operated alone or the load upon the front vehicle of a combination of vehicles shall not extend more than three feet beyond the foremost part of the vehicle, and the load upon any vehicle operated alone or the load upon the rear vehicle of a combination of vehicles shall not extend more than six feet beyond the rear of the bed or body of such vehicle.


    The limitations as to length of vehicles and loads heretofore stated in Section 12.36.040 and subsection A of this section shall not apply to any load upon a pole trailer when transporting poles or pipes or structural material which cannot be dismembered, provided that no pole or pipe or other material exceeding eighty feet in length shall be so transported unless a permit has first been obtained as authorized in Section 12.36.080.


    Section 12.84.020 sets out the penalty for violation of this section.

(§ 1 (part) of Amdt. 2 to Ord. 90-1255, 7/17/90; Ord. 90-1255 § 1 (70), 1990; prior code § 27-1-264)