§ 12.42.040. Procedures to be used in designation or withdrawing designations of residential permit parking areas.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A petition, requesting permit parking (RPP) area, shall be submitted to the councilmember representing the council district in which the RPP area is located. The petition must be signed by seventy-five percent of the residents within the geographic limits as stated in the petition.

    NOTE: A resident is any person living in the proposed permit parking area with a valid Tennessee driver's license showing an address within the proposed RPP area, who owns or leases a motor vehicle, or drives an assigned business vehicle. All motor vehicles must have current Tennessee registration showing the proper address. Residents who are legally handicapped and persons over sixty years old who do not drive may also sign a petition. Proof of residency will be required for these persons.


    The petition shall include the following information:


    Each petitioner's name (signature and printed), Tennessee driver's license number, and vehicle license number. Legally handicapped and those over sixty years of age who do not drive should include proof of residency.


    The time of day that resident permits will be required. Example: seven a.m. to five p.m., twenty-four hours, etc.


    Clear description of the geographic limits of the area(s) requested.


    If desired, a maximum time limit that nonpermit holders (visitors, family members, etc.) could legally park. Example: two hours, four hours, etc.


    The councilmember shall then submit the petition to the chief traffic engineer with a written request for an assessment or study by staff to determine whether the geographic area within the boundaries set forth in the area from which residents have signed the petition and surroundings and other conditions affecting parking within those same boundaries meet the factors outlined in Section 12.42.030. After the assessment from staff has been completed, the councilmember shall conduct a community meeting for the proposed RPP area prior to submitting a recommendation to the Traffic and Parking Commission regarding whether the item should be placed on an agenda for an upcoming Traffic and Parking Commission public hearing.


    The chief traffic engineer shall recommend, by report to the traffic and parking commission, whether to designate the area under consideration as a RPP area, specifying the time or limitations recommended and proposed fees, or whether to remove the designation in the case of an established RPP area. The traffic and parking commission shall approve or disapprove the recommendation of the chief traffic engineer.


    All RPP areas approved by the traffic and parking commission shall become part of Schedule VII of the Traffic and Parking Code of the traffic and parking commission of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2018-1329 § 1, 2018; Ord. BL2018-1329 § 1, 2018; Amdt. 1 with Ord. 99-1590 § 4, 1999; Ord. 93-562 § 4, 1993)