§ 12.48.020. Curb loading zones—Permit requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    1. The traffic and parking commission shall not designate or sign any curb loading zone upon special request of any person unless such person makes application therefor in writing on a form supplied by the commission. The commission, upon granting a permit and erecting such signs, shall collect from the applicant and deposit in the general fund a service fee to be assessed in the following manner:


    For installation of two signposts, one hundred fifty dollars;


    For installation of three signposts, two hundred dollars;


    For installation of four signposts, two hundred fifty dollars.


    Such fee is to cover the cost of establishing such loading zone and the erection of appropriate signs or standards indicating the same, and shall include maintenance for such signs for a period of one year from date of erection.


    The establishment of a loading zone as the result of such special request and upon the payment of such fees by the applicant shall in no manner entitle the applicant to any rights in such loading zone superior to the use of the general public.


    All permits issued for such loading zones shall expire one year from date of erection of the signs. The commission shall not maintain any such sign after one year from the date of erection unless the owner, agent or lessee shall pay to the commission a fee of thirty dollars for each automobile space in advance annually for the maintenance of such signs. The commission shall remove such signs when the payment of yearly maintenance fee shall be thirty days in arrears. The commission may also remove any such sign whenever public convenience or necessity warrants the same after fifteen days' notice of such intended removal is given such owner, agent or lessee.


    The fees required herein shall not apply to the erection of signs in front of or adjacent to any governmental building or in front of any theater, public or parochial school, place of worship, or any organization chartered by the state as a charitable institution.


    A permit for a loading zone may be revoked at any time by the commission in case of misuse, or in case the commission finds that such zone is no longer necessary.


    A permit for a loading zone is nontransferable.

(Ord. BL2017-654 § 10, 2017; Ord. 91-1624 § 1, 1991; prior code § 27-1-166)