§ 12.54.040. Issuance and denial.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Upon receipt of an application for a certificate, the commission shall issue such certificate valid for one year if it finds that the applicant meets all requirements of this article.


    In determining whether or not a certificate should be issued, the commission shall give weight and due regard, among other things, to:


    The probable permanence and quality of the service offered by the applicant or association;


    The applicant's experience in rendering transportation service in the metropolitan government area, and the applicant's experience in prompt adjustment of claims and in payment of judgments, if any, to claimants as a result of injuries received from the negligent operation of vehicles for hire;


    The financial ability of the applicant or association to respond in damages based on certified audits, bank statements, letters of credit and similar financial documentation;


    The stability of the business organization of the applicant, and the ability of the applicant to provide continuous, satisfactory and responsible service on a business-like basis, and to meet other organizational requirements set forth by the commission;


    The character and condition of the vehicles to be used, which shall be determined by an inspection of each vehicle by the commission or his designee as provided in this chapter.


    If the commission finds that a certificate should be issued to an applicant for the operation of a horse-drawn carriage, the applicant will be issued a permit for each carriage.


    The owner, operator, or custodian of a horse engaged in a horse-drawn carriage service shall have a valid certificate available for immediate inspection by the commission director or a designee, commission inspector, a police officer, or an animal control officer at all times when a horse is on any street or public byway.


    If the commission director determines that the requirements of this chapter have not been met, and/or that an applicant should be denied operating authority, he or she shall notify the applicant in writing that the application is denied and include in the notice the reason for denial and a statement informing the applicant of the right of appeal to the commission.


    The commission may determine by rule the date upon which permits will expire.

(Amdt. 1 and 2 with Ord. 2002-1075 § 1 (part), 2002)