§ 12.54.090. Appeals.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person whose application for a certificate or renewal of a certificate is denied by the commission director may file a written appeal with the commission within ten days. If an appeal is not made to the commission within ten days of the commission director's decision, the director's decision shall be final. A letter addressed to the commission and delivered to the commission office stating that an appeal from the decision of the commission director is desired shall perfect such appeal. The commission, as soon as possible after receiving such notice of appeal, shall notify the applicant or certificate holder of the date and time of the hearing. The hearing shall be at least five days after the mailing of such notice. After the hearing of the appeal, the commission shall sustain, modify or reverse the findings of the commission director, and shall notify the commission director and the applicant or certificate holder of its findings. The findings of the commission shall be final, subject to any applicable legal processes.


    An applicant or association who has been denied a certificate or license by the commission director, and such denial has been upheld by the commission or not appealed to them, shall not be allowed to make another application for six months from the date of the denial.

(Amdt. 1 and 2 with Ord. 2002-1075 § 1 (part), 2002)