§ 12.54.120. Permit required—Violations and term.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall drive or otherwise operate a carriage engaged in the for-hire horse-drawn carriage service unless he or she has a driver's permit. To qualify for a permit, an applicant must comply with all of the requirements and stipulations of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted by the commission.


    A person commits an offense if he or she operates a horse-drawn carriage for-hire in the metropolitan government without a driver's permit issued by the commission.


    A business commits an offense if it employs or otherwise allows a person to operate a horse-drawn carriage owned, controlled, or operated by the permittee unless the person has a driver's permit issued by the commission.


    Each permit shall be valid for one year and shall be subject to renewal pursuant to the provisions set forth in this article.

(Amdt. 1 and 2 with Ord. 2002-1075 § 1 (part), 2002)