§ 12.54.260. Carriage and equipment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An owner, operator, or custodian of a horse engaged in the horse-drawn carriage shall ensure and certify that the equipment used in the operation of the horse-drawn carriage meets the following standards of this section:


    Provide that the carriage used is in good operating condition, the axles are well-greased, and that all operating mechanisms are in good working order;


    Provide that the carriage is equipped with hydraulic brakes in good working condition;


    Provide that the saddle, harness, shoes, bridle, and any other equipment for the horse fits properly, is in good working condition, and shall not cause injury or pain to the horse;


    Not use twisted wire, spurs, bucking straps, flank straps, or similar devices. All bits and other equipment must be humane which are not injurious to the horse;


    Daily inspect all horses and all equipment at the time of departure from and return to the stable; and


    Provide that all horses are equipped with a diaper that is constructed of a sturdy material and is properly fitted to the horse to ensure comfort.


    No carriage engaged in the horse-drawn carriage business shall be driven or operated on a public street or byway of the city unless the owner or operator of the carriage has obtained a valid identification card issued by the commission director pursuant to a procedure and fees established by this chapter.


    A carriage used in the horse-drawn carriage service shall:


    Have a valid permit conspicuously displayed on the carriage at all times;


    Be equipped with a slow-moving vehicle emblem attached to the rear of the carriage;


    Be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition;


    Not drive or transport more than nine passengers at one time with a maximum of seven adults, excluding the driver or operator of the carriage for each horse; or ten passengers at one time, including the driver or operator for each mule;


    Display the name and telephone number of the horse-drawn carriage with letters not to exceed three inches nor less that one inch in height on the carriage exterior. These signs must be displayed at all times that the carriage is operating for business unless the carriage is being used for a special event, such as a wedding or funeral;


    Must be equipped with a chemical to be poured over horse urine by drivers so as to break down and eliminate accumulated agents and odors;


    Sufficient reflective material must be placed along the shafts of the carriage, or other parts thereof, which normally parallel the body, head or legs of the horse pulling such carriage;


    An optional rear view mirror on each side of the carriage, if requested by the commission director;


    Be equipped with lights which comply with applicable state law;


    A fully charged backup battery must be readily available and a carriage cannot operate without proper lights;


    Two suitable cardholders shall be conspicuously affixed to the carriage visible to passengers. One cardholder shall hold the identification card of the carriage driver and one shall hold the identification card of the horse that is in use at the time, as well as the certificate of well being for such horse;


    A first aid kit;


    Consecutive daily records in a bound volume, in ink, must be kept of the movements of each horse-drawn carriage and horse by the licensee, as follows:


    Permit number,


    Time of departure from and arrival at stable,


    Driver's name and permit number,


    Driver's permit expiration date, and


    The horse's name and identification number.

    This information must be available for inspection. Only the daily logs must be available on each carriage;


    In addition, the following information is required for each specific trip:


    Carriage identification number,


    Number of passengers,


    Time of departure of trip, and


    Time of return of trip.


    If, upon any inspection, a carriage is found to be unsafe, unclean or unsightly, the commission director or commission inspector or designee, may direct that the carriage be taken out of service until such condition is corrected. Such carriage shall be re-inspected and approved by the commission director, commission inspector or designee before returning to service, at which time a new permit shall be issued and a service fee (established by rule) shall be collected.


    The commission may, by rule, establish additional inspection requirements for a carriage and other equipment used in the horse-drawn carriage service.

(Amdt. 1 and 2 with Ord. 2002-1075 § 1 (part), 2002)