§ 12.56.070. Financial responsibility restrictions—Insurance required when—Recreational parades.  

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  • A.

    The applicant for a parade permit for a recreational purpose, and any other persons, organizations, firms or corporations on whose behalf the application is made, by filing the application, do represent, stipulate, contract and agree that they will jointly and severally indemnify and hold Metro harmless against liability for any and all claims for damage to property, injury to or the death of persons arising out of or resulting from the issuance of the permit, or the conduct of the parade or its participants.


    In addition to the requirements of subsection A of this section, in the event a parade is held for a recreational purpose, and is comprised of pedestrians and vehicles or animals, no permit shall be issued unless the applicant shall obtain a comprehensive general liability insurance policy. If motor vehicles are involved, an automobile liability policy, issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state with a Best Key Rating of A/VII or better, with coverage that includes the assembly area, the parade route, the disbanding area of the parade, and any other area used by the participants of the parade. Metro shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. Up to one million dollars of single-limit general liability and automobile liability insurance covering both bodily injury and property damage may be required for issuance of a parade permit. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to parades held for a recreational purpose composed entirely of pedestrians.


    At the time of the application for a parade permit for a recreational use, satisfactory proof that the insurance required by subsection B has been obtained shall be presented to the chief of police. The requirement for satisfactory proof may be complied with either by depositing the insurance policy itself with the chief of police, or by furnishing a certificate of insurance meeting the following specifications to the chief of police:


    The insurance policies issued shall be listed, and for each policy the type of insurance, policy number, expiration date and limits of liability shall be shown;


    The certificate shall designate Metro as certificate holder and as an additional insured, and shall contain a statement to the effect that the policies listed are in force, and that in the event of cancellation or any material change in a policy affecting the certificate holder at least ten days' prior written notice shall be given to the certificate holder;


    Below the schedule of insurance in force, the certificate shall include a statement substantially as follows:

     The comprehensive general liability policy listed above includes coverage of designated premises and coverage for contractual liability in compliance with the provisions of Section _______ of the Metro Code of Laws, for a parade to be held on _______, 19___.


    The certificate of insurance shall be signed by an authorized agent of the issuing company or companies.

(Ord. 89-796 § 9, 1989)