§ 12.62.060. Data sharing.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted operators shall provide their Metropolitan Information Technology Services Department ("Metro ITS") with real-time information on the entire fleet within Nashville and Davidson County through a documented application program interface (API). The permitted operator is directly responsible for providing an API key and REST specifications to Metro ITS. The data available must at least include the following information in real time for every SUMD parked in the metropolitan government operational area:

    Field Name Format Description
    GPS Latitude Decimal (12,9) Point location X
    GPS Longitude Decimal (12,9) Point location Y
    SUMD ID number Varchar (25) SUMD Type + Unique identifier for every SUMD, determined by company
    Type of SUMD Varchar (25) "Standard" or "Powered"
    Fuel/charge level Decimal (5,4) Ratio of charge level to full charge (50.1234%)
    SUMD Group Varchar (25) Name of the SUMD group ("bicycle", "tricycle", "scooter", "hover board", "skateboard", "pedal car" or "other")
    Current rental rate per minute Decimal (5,2)



    The metropolitan government is permitted to display real-time data provided via the API described in Section 12.62.060.A.


    The metropolitan government is able to publish real-time SUMD availability data to the public.


    All permitted operators shall provide the following anonymized data for each trip record to inform and support safe and effective management of the SUMD system, and for transportation planning efforts. The permitted operator is directly responsible for providing an API key and specifications to Metro ITS based on the following:

    Field Name Format Description
    Company Name Varchar (25) Company Name
    Type of SUMD Varchar (25) "Standard" or "Powered"
    SUMD Group Varchar (25) Name of the SUMD group
    Trip record number Varchar (25) 3 letter company acronym + consecutive trip #, xxx#, xxx# + 1, xxx# + 2, …
    SUMD ID number Varchar (25) SUMD Type + Unique identifier for every SUMD, determined by company
    Trip duration Decimal (9,3) Minutes
    Trip distance Decimal (5,4) Feet
    Start date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) n/a
    Start time Time (HH:MM:SS) n/a
    End date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) n/a
    End time Time (HH:MM:SS) n/a
    Start Latitude Decimal (12,9) Point location X
    Start Longitude Decimal (12,9) Point location Y
    End Latitude Decimal (12,9) Point location X
    End Longitude Decimal (12,9) Point location Y
    Trip Route Varchar (256) Sequential GPS coordinates for entire trip duration at a minimum collection frequency of one per 30 seconds



    The metropolitan government is able to publish the anonymized trip record data to the public.


    For oversight of parking compliance and SUMD distribution by minute, all permitted operators will provide Metro ITS with real-time information on the availability and identity of all parked vehicles through a documented REST application program interface (API). The permitted operator is directly responsible for obtaining an API key from Metro ITS to which they will publish the data described below, updated at a frequency of every five minutes. Data shall be submitted to the Metro Open Data Portal, where it will be made available to the public.

    Field Name Format Description
    GPS Latitude Decimal (12,9) Point location X
    GPS Longitude Decimal (12,9) Point location Y
    Availability duration Time (HH:MM:SS) Minutes
    Availability start date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) n/a
    Availability start time Time (HH:MM:SS) n/a
    Company website Varchar (128) Link to website with customer service capability
    Company phone Decimal (10,0) Local customer service number
    Real Time Fare Decimal (5,2) Real-time fare per unit distance
    SUMD Type Varchar (25) "Standard" or "Powered"
    SUMD Group Varchar (25) Name of the SUMD group ("bicycle", "tricycle", "scooter", "hoverboard", "skateboard", "pedal car" or "other")
    SUMD ID Varchar (25) SUMD Type + Unique identifier for every SUMD, determined by company



    Permitted operators and their customers shall consent to the sharing of operator data by the metropolitan government with the Metro Transportation Data Collaborative (MTDC). Permitted operators shall include in terms of use that customers also consent that trip data will be shared with the metropolitan government and become public record. (All data will be anonymized).


    All permitted operators shall consent to distribute to all users a customer survey, provided by the MTLC, under circumstances agreed to by the metropolitan government and the company regarding customer service and program evaluation.


    All permitted operators under this pilot permit program shall keep a record of maintenance activities, including but not limited to SUMD identification number, maintenance performed, and SUMDs retrieved due to unauthorized parking. These records shall be sent to the MTLC weekly.


    All permitted operators agree to participate with any evaluation of the program.


    All permitted operators will first clean data before providing or reporting data to metro. Data processing and cleaning shall include:


    Removal of staff servicing and test trips


    Removal of trips below one minute


    Trip lengths are capped at twenty-four hours


    Permitted operators shall provide all data so that individual users can not be identified.


    Should the metropolitan government adopt a standard or standards for SUMD data collection, each permitted operator shall achieve compliance with such standard(s) within ninety days of receipt of notification of updated interface availability from the metropolitan government, submitted to the operator address on record.

(Amdt. A to Ord. BL2018-1202 § 1, 2018; Ord. BL2018-1202 § 1, 2018)