§ 12.68.120. Detour signs—Driver obedience required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful to tear down or deface any detour sign or to break down or drive around any barricade erected for the purpose of closing any section of a street to traffic during construction, repair, or for any purpose incident to the needs of public safety or convenience, or to drive over such section of the street until again thrown open to public traffic; however, such restriction shall not apply to the persons in charge of such construction or repair or project for public safety or convenience.


    Section 12.84.020 sets out the penalty for violation of this section.

(§ 1 (part) of Amdt. 2 to Ord. 90-1255, 7/17/90; Ord. 90-1255 § 1 (29), 1990; prior code § 27-1-94)