§ 12.69.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

    "Congested traffic" means traffic on any public street which is delayed to the point that motor vehicles back up in any direction for more than one block restricting vehicular movement on any public streets, where the delay in forward movement is due to the position of other motor vehicles; or motor vehicles cannot readily move forward on portions of the public street between intersections with other public streets because the average traffic speed has dropped to less than five miles per hour, where the delay in forward movement is due to the position of other motor vehicles.

    "Designated street" means any public street or roadway designated a "no cruising area" pursuant to this chapter. Any street or roadway so designated shall be clearly marked with signs advising the public that the street or roadway is subject to such regulation.

    "Cruising" means the unnecessary repetitive driving of a motor vehicle on a designated street or roadway past the same traffic control point two or more times in any three hour period during the restricted hours, upon a designated street with posted signs informing the public that the street is subject to regulation under this ordinance and that said regulation is in effect.

    "Traffic control point" means a clearly identified reference point on a designated street, as determined and marked by an official traffic control device posted at the direction of the metropolitan traffic and parking commission.

    "Restricted hours" means the days and times that cruising is prohibited, specifically between the hours of 9:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. each day of the week.

    "Restricted area" means those streets or roadways designated by the traffic and parking commission as a "no cruising area" and that are within that area of the metropolitan government bounded on the north by Charlotte Avenue, on the south by Franklin Street, on the west by Eighth Avenue, and on the east by the Cumberland River.

(Ord. BL 2002-1127 § 1 (part), 2002)