§ 13.24.130. Animals—Running at large.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    1. No person owning or being custodian or having control of any animal shall cause or permit such animal to go at large in the park. A dog may be brought into a park; provided, that such dog shall be continuously restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length; except, that no dog or other animal shall be permitted in buildings or in zoos, playgrounds, bathing and other areas designated by signs as prohibited areas. In areas clearly identified by signage approved by the Board of Parks and Recreation as leash-free areas, dogs are allowed off-leash and will not be considered at large if under the control of the owner or custodian.


    Prior to constructing a dog park or designating an off-leash area on park property, the board of parks and recreation shall notify the district councilmember for the district where the dog park and/or off-leash area is to be located. The district councilmember shall have ten days in which to provide written comments to the board regarding possible community issues or concerns associated with the location of the proposed dog park and/or off-leash area.


    Any animal found at large may be seized and impounded or disposed of pursuant to the laws or ordinances of the state and the metropolitan government in relation to the disposal of stray animals on the highways or other public places.


    No person having the care or charge of any dog or other animal shall permit such animal to enter or drink the water of any drinking fountain, lake or pond in any park except at places designated or maintained therefor.

(Amdt. 1 to Ord. BL2013-389 § 1, 2013; Ord. BL2013-389 § 1, 2013; prior code § 30A-1-26)