§ 13.24.200. Meetings, assemblies and ceremonies.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall erect any structure, stand or platform, hold any meeting, perform any ceremony, make a speech, address or oration, or exhibit or distribute any sign, placard, notice, declaration or appeal of any kind or description, in any park except by permit issued by the board.


    Upon application, such permit will be issued unless:


    The use for which the permit is sought is of a private or commercial nature; or


    The location selected is not suitable because the area is specially landscaped and planted with botanical, flower, shrub or tree exhibits; or


    The location selected is not suitable because it is one of the specialized park use areas such as zoos, skating rinks, swimming pools, recreational, etc.; or


    The date and time requested has previously been allocated by permit, or would obstruct and interfere substantially with park use and enjoyment by the public.


    Whenever a permit is denied by reason of paragraphs (2), (3) or (4) of subsection B above, alternative suitable locations and dates shall be offered to the applicant.

(Prior code § 30A-1-15)