§ 13.32.010. New streets—Designation and naming.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All streets running north and south that may be opened or that may be brought into the urban services district shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number following that number which has already been given the last street that has been thus numbered. Of these streets herein referred to, those on the west side of the river shall be called "avenues," and those on the east side of the river shall be called "streets." Such streets and avenues shall be called "North" or "South," according as they are north or south of Main Street on the east side of the river, and according as they are north or south of Broadway and West End.


    Such streets and avenues shall be marked by erecting posts and signs with the names thereof upon them, of some durable material or enameled steel, and shall be painted a durable color. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface such signs or posts in any particular.

(Prior code § 38-2-19)