§ 13.40.030. Safeguard requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All new and existing parking garages, public parking decks and open-air parking lots shall provide adequate safeguards to prevent automobiles, trucks or vehicles of any type from striking, pushing against, scraping, hitting or touching in any manner, the walls of adjoining buildings and to prevent automobiles, trucks or vehicles of any type from projecting out beyond the property line of the parking lot, garage or parking deck in question onto a public right-of-way, sidewalk or onto private property.


    Such safeguards, unless otherwise adequately provided for, shall consist of a continuous wheel guard not less than six inches in height above the floor, with clear passage of forty-four inches between the wheel guard and the edge of the structure or property line. Along the outside boundary line of the structure or lot, at any point where vehicles are not parked parallel to the boundary, there shall be erected and maintained an adequate barrier capable of stopping, without damage to the exterior walls or to adjoining buildings, a vehicle weighing five thousand pounds and traveling at a speed of ten miles per hour. This barrier may be in the form of reinforced concrete spandrels or walls built contiguous with the slabs and columns or may be an adequate metal, or equal, guard rails or rails securely anchored to the ground, floors or columns.

(Prior code § 30-2-2)