Chapter 15.04. DEFINITIONS  

§ 15.04.010. In general.
§ 15.04.020. Abbreviations.
§ 15.04.030. Act or the Act.
§ 15.04.035. Antifreeze.
§ 15.04.040. Approval authority.
§ 15.04.050. Authority.
§ 15.04.060. Authorized representative of industrial user.
§ 15.04.065. Best management practices or BMPs.
§ 15.04.070. Building sewer.
§ 15.04.080. Categorical pretreatment standards.
§ 15.04.085. Categorical industrial user.
§ 15.04.090. Community sewer.
§ 15.04.100. Compatible pollutant.
§ 15.04.110. Control authority.
§ 15.04.115. Daily maximum.
§ 15.04.120. Direct discharge.
§ 15.04.130. Director.
§ 15.04.140. Domestic sewage.
§ 15.04.150. Environmental Protection Agency.
§ 15.04.155. Existing source.
§ 15.04.158. Food service establishment.
§ 15.04.160. Grab sample.
§ 15.04.170. Holding tank waste.
§ 15.04.180. Incompatible pollutant.
§ 15.04.190. Indirect discharge.
§ 15.04.200. Industrial user.
§ 15.04.210. Interference.
§ 15.04.215. Instantaneous limit.
§ 15.04.217. Local limit.
§ 15.04.220. Mass emission rate.
§ 15.04.230. Maximum concentration.
§ 15.04.235. Medical waste.
§ 15.04.240. Metro.
§ 15.04.245. Monthly average.
§ 15.04.248. Multi-dwelling unit.
§ 15.04.249. Municipal user.
§ 15.04.250. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
§ 15.04.260. National pretreatment standards.
§ 15.04.270. New source.
§ 15.04.275. Non-contact cooling water.
§ 15.04.278. Pass through.
§ 15.04.280. Person.
§ 15.04.285. pH.
§ 15.04.286. Pharmaceuticals.
§ 15.04.288. Pollutant.
§ 15.04.290. Pollution.
§ 15.04.300. Premises.
§ 15.04.310. Pretreatment.
§ 15.04.320. Pretreatment requirements.
§ 15.04.325. Pretreatment standards or standards.
§ 15.04.330. Publicly owned treatment works.
§ 15.04.340. Reclaimed water.
§ 15.04.345. Septic tank waste.
§ 15.04.348. Significant industrial user.
§ 15.04.349. Significant noncompliance.
§ 15.04.350. Slug load or slug discharge.
§ 15.04.355. Standard industrial classification.
§ 15.04.360. Stormwater.
§ 15.04.370. Toxic pollutant.
§ 15.04.380. Treatment works.
§ 15.04.385. Twenty-four-hour, flow proportional composite sample.
§ 15.04.390. Unpolluted water.
§ 15.04.400. User.
§ 15.04.410. Waste.
§ 15.04.420. Wastewater.
§ 15.04.430. Wastewater constituents and characteristics.
§ 15.04.440. Waters of the State of Tennessee.