§ 15.16.410. Meter repairs—Owners billed when.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    When any water meter larger than one inch in size is repaired by the department for any person, the cost of such repairs shall be billed by the billing and assessment division of the department and entered as a charge against such person in the same manner as assessments for water are entered. All money derived from such meter repairs shall be placed to the credit of the general ledger account of the department's miscellaneous refunds. The department shall have authority to expend, out of such miscellaneous refunds, upon properly executed vouchers, such sums as may be deemed necessary in the operation, maintenance and expansion of the department.


    The cost of labor and materials in connection with such repairs shall be billed with the next regular billing for water consumed and shall become due and payable at the same time the bill for water is due. Failure to pay such cost of meter repairs within thirty days shall give the department the right to discontinue service to the location supplied by the meter which was repaired.

(Prior code § 40-1-58)