§ 15.60.130. Liquid waste transport trucks—Permit requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person owning vacuum or cesspool pump trucks or other liquid waste transport trucks shall discharge directly or indirectly such sewage into the POTW unless such person shall first have applied for and received a truck discharge operation permit from the director or his designated representative. All applicants for a truck discharge operation permit shall complete such forms as required by the director, pay appropriate fees, and shall agree in writing to abide by the provisions of this chapter and any special conditions or regulations established by the director.


    The owners of such vehicles shall affix and display the permit number on the side of each vehicle used for such purposes.


    Such permits shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance; provided that, such permit shall be subject to revocation by the director for violation of any provision of this chapter or reasonable regulation established by the director.


    Such permits shall be limited to the discharge of domestic sewage waste containing no industrial waste.


    The director shall designate the locations and times where such trucks may be discharged and may refuse to accept any truckload of waste in his absolute discretion where it appears that the waste could interfere with the effective operation of the treatment works or any sewer line or appurtenance thereto.


    The owner of a truck discharge operation permit shall provide manifest to the POTW that states the source of the domestic waste they wish to discharge, the volume of wastewater from each source, and whether any industrial waste is included in the wastewater.


    The owner of the truck discharge operation permit shall purchase a bond sufficient to cover his potential liability for violating his permit.

(Ord. BL2010-678 § 2, 2010; prior code § 40-1-186(j))